Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Frequently Asked Questions.......

Q26) What is the best way to soothe a frightened cat?

Ans.: Cats that experience fear caused by unexpected events – like shifting homes – will get over their fear after a while. Let your voice be calm and soft and reassuring, give favorite foods, and the cushions/toys she likes. Let your movements be slow and gentle. Play some soothing music. All these will help her regain confidence.

Cats who have been hurt or abused will take longer to learn to trust you. You must be very patient. Let her get used to your gentle voice and slow movements. Leave tempting morsels of food and move away, so that the cat feels that she can safely go and grab the food. Avoid eye contact at first, because cats feel nervous of the human eye. Provide them with little boxes they can crawl into. The box should be cozy, lined with some soft material. Make sure that it is clean and that there is no smell to put the cat off.

In a few days, the cat will be more willing to make friends.

If you are handling an injured cat, make sure you are well protected, because cats fight tooth and nail to avoid capture. The best way is to throw a towel over her, grab her quickly, and put her in a closed basket, and take her to the vet.

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