Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Frequently Asked Questions.......

Q25): My dog whines constantly in my absence, when I go to work. This is distressing for the pet, my neighbours, and all of us. How can this be cured?

Ans.: A dog whining in the absence of the owner is usually a sign of separation anxiety. Make sure that there is no other cause for the dog’s distress, like being teased by someone outside the house, or personal discomfort.

Like all other habits, the habit to stay alone for a while should be cultivated during early months. Leave the puppy alone in the room for short periods, gradually extending the duration of your absence. Behave normally, then the pet will accept this as normal, and nothing to fear.

When you have to leave your pet for long hours, it is only fair to reduce the pet’s anxiety and loneliness as far as possible. Taking him out for a walk before you leave, giving him a good meal, leaving the TV or some soothing music on, and some toys or favorite cushions, are some of the simple methods of giving him mental comfort in your absence. Leaving some used garment of yours will also make him feel comforted, as he can get your body smell in your garment. Make sure that he has enough water to drink, a place where he can relieve himself, and food he can eat when hungry. Having gone for a walk will burn up excess energy, and he will be less highly strung, and more inclined to sleep. Let the meal be a heavy one, as all dogs tend to sleep after a good meal.

If you can get another dog, the two dogs will give each other company, reducing the stress of loneliness and boredom. A very young puppy finds his basket a source of comfort and security. You can keep a small clock wrapped in a towel in the basket. To the puppy, it is like a mother’s heartbeat, and very comforting. Puppies below six months find this very reassuring.

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