Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Frequently Asked Questions.......

Q24) : What can we do to free our pets of the fear of thunderstorms, crackers, visits to the Vet, etc?

Ans.: The first thing to do is to show your pet that there is no need for anxiety. Speak to him calmly and reassuringly. Let your movements be unhurried and placid. Make him sit down, or lie down. Put on some music. Start playing a game he likes, to divert his mind.

If you reward him, or show lots of love, he will play up to get pampering!

Let the visit to/by a Vet become a ‘treat’-meant! All pets hate visiting the Vet. It is sad that only a few vets take the trouble to offer their patient a treat, after the treatment is over. Dogs are particularly forgiving, (much more so than cats), and would remember the parting kindness, and not be so reluctant to visit the Vet next time. You can atone for this by carrying a treat with you, and asking the Vet or his assistant to give it to your pet before leaving.

For chronic fears of loud noises, you can help your pet lose his fears by recording the noises, and replying the tape at a low volume, when the pet is relaxed. Play it every day, and raise the volume slightly each day. In a few days, your pet will become immune to the regular noises and no longer be alarmed when a real thunderstorm or fire crackers are heard.

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