Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Frequently Asked Questions.......

Q22) : Is it better to have just one dog, or is it better to have two dogs? If we have two dogs, should they be of the same sex and breed?

Ans.: It is always better to have two dogs, if you can manage to keep them. Dogs are company for each other. They calm each other, reducing their emotional stress, loneliness and separation anxiety.

It is particularly helpful if you have a hyper dog. Dogs and cats prefer the company of their own kind. Humans are a poor substitute.

If you keep a male and a female, there is the risk of breeding. Two pets of the same sex adjust perfectly well if you do not favour any one of them. Also, avoid getting a puppy when your dog is old – it is not fair to the older dog. Get your pet a companion while he is young or middle aged. It need not be the same breed. Cats do not like it when a new puppy is brought, but they soon make friends. However, if you already have a dog, and bring in a kitten, it is likely that the kitten will run away before she becomes friends with the dog, however gentle your dog may be.

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